Online ISSN 2653-4983
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Franco Ivaldi and Nicola Smigliani (2024) Intelligent Life, Artificial Intelligence, Our Evolutionary Difficulty and Prospects for the Future Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 3(4), 303-330. DOI:
ORIIGNAL RESEARCH Intelligent Life, Artificial Intelligence, Our Evolutionary Difficulty and Prospects for the Future
Publication: Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience DOI:
When we men and women try to represent a natural phenomenon with our own means, we tend to build around it a rigorous theoretical framework, which can sometimes be inconsistent with reality, similar to building a defense barrier against the fears and insecurities present in our lives. This leads to generate "dogmas", at the basis of the stalemate present in classical Science (and not only), unable to appreciate the Intelligent and Harmonious connection present in everything in this Universe, which leads a large number of men and women to prefer the permanence of a problem that they cannot explain, to an explanation that is difficult to understand, as it comes out of their daily life made up of difficult problems, which could instead be solved if only we committed ourselves to doing so, with sacrifice and work. Science, to be consistent with Universal reality, cannot be closed in on itself, as if it was the heritage of its experts only, and cannot be separated from Philosophy and Ethics that guide it to ask the "right questions", otherwise it is like a building without foundations that sooner or later collapses on itself. For example, in mathematics we tend to transform Everything into numbers, without realizing that all Universal nature is in continuous "evolutionary metamorphosis", and therefore the photograph of reality that we try to represent in a precise instant of Time, a moment later is no longer valid, since evolution has Analogue and not Digital characteristics, as happens in our Computers, which cannot have the characteristics inherent in the birth and evolution of Universal life. While for the "Science of Resonances" this mechanism develops through a complex multilevel network of coherent harmonic resonances, each of which is characterized by its own vibrational rhythm, where communication travels through a non-localizable entity, which has been agreed to be called "quantum vacuum"; which is not nothingness, but is an entity susceptible to oscillation that does not coincide with the concept of "Empty Space", and does not coincide with the concept of "Ether", since this was seen as a sort of ocean where bodies float. Therefore, to represent continuous evolution in nature, the presence of a "Universal Intrinsic Intelligence" is needed, which permeates everything that exists in the Universe, as life gathers around itself everything that is needed for its survival and evolution, so that entropy from passive becomes active. In this context, human beings are integral parts of the entire Universe, and are immersed in an enormous communication system that they perceive through resonant antenna molecules, at the center of which is DNA with its self-symmetric dipolar characteristics (external electronic conduction given by the presence of phosphodiester bonds with a "positive heart", given by transverse and vertical hydrogen bonds). The Universal evolutionary intelligent mechanism has its own rules based on “Cosmic Unpredictability and Unrepeatability”, which generate an “evolutionary arrow” deriving from the sixth dimension where “Perfection” resides, from which everything is born and everything returns enriched by the experience gained during the passage in the Imperfection present in the other five dimensions. Here we become aware that the mechanism of Universal intrinsic Intelligence has nothing to do with Artificial Intelligence, which is a technological means created to support our human activities. Finally, the evolution of our knowledge towards Universal reality will open the way to new technological solutions and not only, which will improve our life and our relationships with the natural environment.
Keywords: Dodecanogram-based brain-machine interface, minimally conscious AI, intentionality, machine understanding, artificial experientiality, protonic 'wetware', memristors, hydrodynamic pairs, dipole-like protonic resonance, energy flow, fluctuations.
Conflict of Interest
The author declares no conflict of interest.
This article belongs to the Special Issue
Multiscalar brain adaptability in AI Systems
Lead Editor: Dr. Shantipriya Parida
Senior Scientist
Silo AI, Helsinki, Finland
Copyright: © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Neural Press.
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